... Always seek mutual
consent with one another ... |
... Always seek mutual
consent with one another ... |
"... The Logos-Wisdom is the principle of all Divine and Esoteric Revelations. She has the characteristics of being the indwelling revealer of God.
She IS the active principle and the transmitter of all Divine knowledge as well as the Cosmological cause of All Creation ..." |
Luke 6:31(NIV); " Do to others as you would have them do to you. " ... |
Please do not take me for criticizing you for the sheer intention of holding my point, but, as a Brazilian Spiritist, I would like to share some thoughts with you, in the hope that you may want to study Spiritism and know what it really deals about.
1st. I can say nothing about Anglo-American Spiritualism, but, as far as Spiritism is concerned we do not believe that the Personality and the Ego survive the death of the body. Neither Kardec nor any other French or Brazilian writer of the Spiritist doctrine never said that. Much on the contrary, if we chose to use similar terms, I could say that we believe the Individuality and the Over Self as being those that survive the death of the body, which dies with the Personality and the Ego that depend on it.
2nd.: Saying "That is all that Spiritualism is; the belief, or reassurance, that the personality and ego continues after the death of the body pretty much exactly as it was while still in the body" is a quite huge over-simplification of a serious doctrine, don't you think?
3rd. Mme. Blavatsky's criticism on Spiritualism - strangely shared by some very respectable writers - seem to me somewhat childish. It is hard for me to admit such a position from a so wise and knowledgeable woman. "Lower personality remnants" do not have wisdom, they can not even talk rubbish. It is as much as saying that someone could republish a book from its ashes. And real masterpieces of wisdom have been written by spirits through mediums like Chico Xavier and Divaldo Franco! Some concepts that Science is just beginning to discover and prove have been transmitted by the spirit André Luiz more than fifty years ago. It is far too obvious that the prophets and saints of all traditions never talked to God "in person" but to high level spirits. In the Christian tradition, who were the angels that appeared and talked to them?
4th. On the other hand, the assumption that only superior spirits are capable of being "channeled" by a medium seems equally childish. It is obvious that little interest would have the press in books said to having been written by wicked spirits through "innocent" channels. The editors and the channels would certainly be the ones to be prosecuted whenever any harm would be done as a consequence of reading any such books. That does not mean, however, that low level spirits can not communicate. All the history of exorcisms in all traditions strongly testify that low order spirits not only can talk to incarnate beings but also talk through them and even conduct their behavior. If we consider that discarnate beings exist, why would only the high level ones communicate with incarnate beings? It doesn't make any sense.